Our Daily Manna

The experience of being born again (John 3:3)

동글이의 블로그 2022. 5. 14. 13:23

Adam and Eve , the ancestors of humankind, disobeyed God's command and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so they were driven out of the Garden of Eden.
the blood of disobedience flowing in Adam continues to flow throught his descendants.
Humankind deserve to be abandoned because they are sinful, unrighteous, and wicked, but Jesus Christ hung on the Cross to save humankind.
Both of His hands and feet were nailed and his side was pierced with a spear, causing blood and water to pour out.
Althought we are sinners, when we accep Jesus Christ as Savior, the Holy Sprit brings the life of Jesus Christ into us, and we are born again.
What happens when we are borin again?

First, a guilty conscience leaves us.
Do you know why many people say the cannot believe in Jesus and cannot pray no matter how and hard they try?
Most of those people suffer from self-pity saying "1 am paying the price for my sins. I am not worthy of God's grace."
Such people cannot pray or have faith, so they cannot get out of despain. A guilty conscience brings a feeling that they are not worthy to stand before God. However, when they come to the Lord, confess their sins, and accept His precious blood on the Cross, their sins are washed away. At the same time, a guilty conscience leaves them, and their heart becomes, cleansed from sin.

Second, a feeling of meaniinglessness leaves us.
When we live a repetitious life, we get tired and borned and feel that life is meaningless. How can we be free from this feeling of meaninglessness? When we accept the greate power of the life of Jesus who died and resurrected for us, we can have hope, because we realize that there is the new heaven and the new earth prepared for us.
Then the feeling of meaninglessness in our heart leaves us.

Third, fear leaves us.
Even people who brag that there is nothing to fear in this world are afraid of death, because all humankind are destined to die. in Jesus Christ, however, the fear of death is eliminated because death is a steppingstone to a better world.

Dr. Yonggi Cho
